En hilsen fra Paul Bristow

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Last weekend I actually had the chance to be in 2 places at the same time - I was at both the European Square and Round Dancing Convention and at the Danish National Square Dance Convention! Of course, this was only possible, because the 2 events were held at the same time, at the same location, as the same event - but it was wonderful to apparently achieve the impossible! The weekend attracted a total of 1020 dancers - from all parts of Europe (in the largest sense - i.e. including Scandinavia and the UK), as well as quite a number from the rest of the World. It was extremely well organised by a very competent group of dancers, who went out of their way to make sure that all of the events ran smoothly and that all of the Callers and Cuers were looked after and able to be at the right place at the right time in order to perform with the least amount of aggravation. For me, personally, it was wonderful to have the opportunity to work again with some of the finest and most talented Callers and Cuers, in Europe. The video clip (that is on show here), features myself and Kevin Lovell (the 2 Callers from the UK) working alongside all of the other "Top of the Bill" Callers; sharing one of the very first tips of the weekend.